Thursday, July 23, 2020

The day my sister swapped me for a puppy (Part 1)

The day my sister swapped me for a puppy
(Part 1)

The world is full of calamity: tsunamis, earthquakes, birds choking to death on oil spills, floods, famine, war and  Amelia - my disaster of a sister. She is 8 years old and has the I. Q. of a headless chicken. Reading this you're probably thinking, can someone really have such little intelligence? Well yes, yes someone can and that someone is my sister. Now before I get into the story I will quickly introduce myself, my name is Lucas and today i’m going to tell you about the day my empty-headed,  little sister tried to swap me for a puppy!

Rinnnnggg! Went the bell at my Amelia’s school. Her and all of her friends started to dawdle home from school. Eventually all of them separated and walked back to their own houses. Then suddenly, something caught Amelia’s eye, it sat down, it glimpsed at Amelia then went back to staring into space. It was a cute, little puppy. “Hey there little fella” she said to it in a gentle tone. “Are you lost”?she asked. 
The puppy whimpered softly. 
‘Maybe it could come home with me’ she took the thought into careful consideration. Just kidding she did not take the idea into careful consideration what-so-ever, she saw the puppy as an adorable, helpless little puppy that she could just take home! So that’s exactly what she did. 

As Amelia approached the front door she stuffed the puppy into her tatty, old school bag in hope that no one would spot her. While smuggling the small dog, (that was probably scared out of its mind trying to scratch its way out of her dark, smelly school bag), Amelia ran to the back door! Her hand could almost grab the door handle just when… Lucas stepped right out in front of her. “What ya doin’” he said in a mocking tone.
“Nothing, nothing at all”
“I know you're up to something”. 
“No I, I ummm I just wanted some uh FRESH AIR, fresh air that’s why I, ya know need to go outside” Amelia stuttered unconvincingly.  
“Open your bag,” Lucas ordered.
“Well you see I have a really bad report card in my bag and I don’t want you to read it,” Amelia lied.
“Ok, I know you're lying, first of all you don’t get your report in two weeks and”.....  
But then Lucas got cut off by a bark. 

“What was that, are you hiding something, oh my gosh you’re hiding something I can tell, is it a dog because the noise sounded like a bark, oh my gosh you've smuggled a dog” Lucas blurted out in a hurry.
“OMG do you read minds or something” Amelia yelled while unzipping her bag.
The Puppy jumped out, went through the cat flap and ran into the back yard. 


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Why we should be able to have candy in school

Why we should be able to have candy in school 

YYYUKKK a soggy sandwich, an apple and a few other snacks!!! Right now I am describing an
image of the food in my lunch box sitting in my bag waiting for me to eat it. This is an outrage! If only
there was something more delectable to put in my lunch box to make it sound and taste more tasty… hmm, I know, candy, candy would be a great alternative to my boring lunch. Unfortunately, we aren’t allowed to pack our lunch boxes full of candy but today I’m going to tell you why we should be allowed to have more candy at school.

First of all candy and good times go hand in hand. Candy and sugar are directly linked to some of our most positive memories. On birthdays, we enjoy cake. The Easter bunny brings us baskets of sugary goodness and we can’t forget about Halloween. I am sure we all sometimes go out for a treat after a big game, and what would a beach trip be without some delicious ice cream? By playing such an essential role in our happiest times, candy and sugar have been linked in our brains to celebration. We naturally associate candy with positivity, such as joy, comfort, love, friendship and family. Even when we’re not celebrating anything, eating a piece of candy releases those feel-good brain chemicals that bring us a much-needed moment of happiness in our otherwise chaotic lives. 

As well as candy being happiness in food form. Candy has physical health benefits too. One example is that it slows cancer growth. Cocoa beans contain a chemical called GECGC, which can help your body slow down the fastest-growing types of cancers. Not only does it slow down cancer’s growth, but it also speeds up its destruction. Science also shows if you eat candy at least a few times a month, you’ll live longer than those who didn’t eat any. What’s in candy that helps us live longer? You may ask. Well, scientists believe we can thank the antioxidant phenol and the chocolate ingredient cacao, these things can absorb free radicals. Left unchecked, these free radicals can cause serious damage to your body. So in quite a few ways, candy is good for your health.  

And above all ... It’s just plain delicious! Now I think that’s almost impossible to disagree on. I mean who in their right mind could say they don’t like candy? Even if you don’t like all lollies and sweets, you ought to like some kind of treat. I’m sure most of you have read, seen or heard about Harry Potter. You may have noticed that in one movie he fell unconscious and after reviving was asked to eat chocolate.Eating chocolate releases endorphins in the body which do enhance one's mood. Candy is packed full of body and mind benefits and it also just tastes good. When you eat candy, it comes with a sweet, enjoyable flavour, one that can bring you happiness. The bottom line is candy does wonders for your mind, body and mood!

So the next time you find yourself, munching on a slightly bruised apple. Just think of all the wonderful confectionary you could be dining on at this very moment. Now if only we could have candy in school.

Thank you.