Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hydrosphere explanation

 Hydrosphere explanation

The Earth is made up of many different parts, all these parts working together creates the earth system. But this system can be subdivided into four main components, (the four spheres). These subsystems or spheres are: the geosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and the hydrosphere. In this explanation I'll be telling you about the hydrosphere.

From small flowing streams to raging oceans the hydrosphere covers all the water on earth’s surface. But why do we need it? The hydrosphere is not just water that runs out of the tap in our houses. We rarely think about the role of the planet that keeps us alive. Humans use water every day, in many ways. Drinking water is the most obvious use, but water is also used for: washing, cleaning and in industries. Water is also used in generating electricity through hydroelectric power (or hydropower). 

Those were a few reasons why we need the hydrosphere, but not only does the hydrosphere play a large role in our lives, it plays a major role in the ecosystem too. Many living things thrive in water, so the hydrosphere provides a place for many animals and plants. The flora need the hydrosphere because the water serves a medium of transportation and is solvent in plants. Water also provides stability and structure to plants.

The hydrosphere is one of earth’s four major systems; these four systems are very closely related. So closely connected that usually when something happens in one sphere it affects the other spheres too. For example, when water (hydrosphere) evaporates it creates clouds in the atmosphere, when clouds become too heavy it rains down to the geosphere. The water soaks into the ground and helps the plant and animals (biosphere). That is one of the more positive ways that the hydrosphere connects all four spheres. Another way the hydrosphere connects spheres is tsunamis. A tsunami is a massive tidal wave that destroys land and kills many plants and animals.

A different way the hydrosphere connects to the other spheres is the water cycle. What is the water cycle you may ask? The water cycle describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation. 

In conclusion, the hydrosphere is one of the major importances to earth; without it human life wouldn’t be possible. And that is why the hydrosphere is so important and why we should look after it.