Tuesday, August 28, 2018

sequence of money

Money Matters                                 WALT: Sequence the development of money in NZ
Use a variety of the websites mentioned above to find information.  Summarise the information in your own words. Make sure you understand the ideas you are writing down.  

The development of money in NZ
Europeans first began arriving in NZ
1769 to 1820s
Money wasn’t used - instead goods were traded - Record what items were traded between Maori and Europeans
Pigs, flax, potato, guns, flour milk and fish
First half of the 1800s
Lots of foreign coins and notes are used around Aotearoa before before british money became legal tender in 1858

British notes and coins in New Zealand. It was legal money and all the other currency from other countries wasn't allowed to be used

Maori features on bank note of New Zealand.

The first official New Zealand coins (based on Britain's pounds, shillings & pence) are issued.Images of native birds or Maori icons feature on the 'tails',.

The Reserve Bank is established and becomes the sole supplier of banknotes. Designs are based on the Bank of New Zealand's notes. Designs include image of a kiwi, the Coat of Arms, Maori King Tawhiao and Fiordland Mitre Peak. Captain Cook later replaced King Tawhiao.

New Zealand replaces pounds, shillings and pence with dollars and cents. Twenty-seven million new banknotes and 165 million new coins are mad
NZ is first country to introduce EFTPOS (electronic funds transfer at point of sale) debit cards

New coins are issued featuring Captain Cook's ship, The Endeavour, on the 50c.

Image of Queen Elizabeth replaced on all banknotes by pictures of prominent New Zealanders Edmund Hillary, Kate Sheppard, Apirana Ngata and Ernest Rutherford.
Banknotes change from paper to plastic.

5c coin withdrawn. 10, 20, and 50c coins resized.
New banknotes are released with brighter colours, larger font, more Te Reo Maori and more sophisticated security features

Monday, August 27, 2018

Students should not have to wear uniforms

Students should not have to wear uniforms

“ Mum do I have to wear my uniform? ”Says Gracie.  
“Yes you have to, ” replies mum.
“But why?” Gracie asks.
“Because you just have to” Mum says.
“Well I don't think I should have to!” says Gracie.

If you haven’t realised yet, Gracie and her mum are having an argument about uniforms. Now, I think uniforms are just plain awful!

My first main idea is that uniforms don’t allow individuality.  Uniforms do not
allow individuality at all! Uniforms don’t let us show who we are. We have all
learnt since kindergarten that we are all different and clothes are a way of
presenting that. Individuality is very important for kids. Children should be
allowed to show their individuality at school. I think it is boring to wear the
same thing everyday and it’s bad enough that we are wearing the exact
same as everyone else. I think that some of you will agree that wearing the
same as everyone else is boring. Dressing the same as everyone around
us also doesn’t show who you are.

Now my second main idea is about school uniforms being expensive. When
kids have to wear uniforms it is not only a disappointment to the kids but to
parents as well because of having to pay for such expensive uniforms.
Uniform tops cost around about $36 and girls culottes are $65. Jackets and
jumpers are about $55. Bucket hats are $14.50. All together that is about
$170 and you will need about 2 of each item which is $346 and that is only a
girls uniform. A boys uniform is about $200. Another bad thing is that
uniforms are never on  sale for any cheaper prize. Also, we will all eventually
grow out of our uniforms and need to buy the next size up. Lastly, there is a
high risk of it getting mixed up with all the other uniforms if it isn't named,
meaning our parents will have to hand over more money to purchase
replacement items if they’re not found.

My third and last idea is that uniforms have nothing to do with your learning
and are therefore an unnecessary part of school life.  A uniform doesn't help
you to think, imagine or ask questions. Neither do they help you create new
ideas, work with others or work well in a team. I bet you could learn just as
well while wearing clothes of YOUR choice!  Uniforms don’t have super
powers, they don’t make you smarter. They can’t help you solve equations,
write imaginative stories or understand tricky and sophisticated words.

Don’t you think it would be awesome to wear your own clothes to school?
 As Billy Butler the american baseball er said, “When the game starts you
don’t really look at the uniforms.” So in conclusion, I strongly believe that
school uniforms should be banned from schools.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

My 60 $ note

I put Captain Cook on my note because from 1728 - 1776 he sailed
the pacific ocean and was one of the first explorers to sail to New
Zealand. I put the tui on my note because it is native to New
Zealand. I drew on a holographic window to show it is real.

This is my note