Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Year 4 camp

                                                               School camp

Dear Mrs Ritchie

I am writing to express my opinion about why year 4’s should also go to school camp.

You may believe that Year 4 students are too immature or young to go to camp, I disagree because I
have been to many camps with scouts and have experienced the benefits of participating in activities
such as kayaking, raft building and archery.

Activities such as kayaking give students the opportunity to learn important good life skills such as
perseverance (a growth mindset trait) because you can just sit floating in the ocean, you have to keep
on going. It also teaches us how to be safe on water.

Another outstanding activity available at camp is raft building. Raft building can encourage students to
work in a team and learn how to tie knots. Raft building also involves leadership which is a skill all
children should have.

In addition archery, archery is good  for aim. Aim is a great for sports such as dodge ball  and shot put.
It also teaches students how to follow instructions and how to be safe. Good technique is also a part of
I strongly believe that year 4’s should go to camp because it teaches them how to be responsible for
themselves and that their parents can’t always be with them. Some examples are like looking after your
belongings, making your beds and keeping your dorm room tidy.

As you can see from the reasons above Year 4s would greatly benefit from going to camp.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Room 10

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