Speach = pink✅, Sentence Starters = yellow✅, good vocab/adj = cyan ✅
Good punctuation = green ✅
Sneaking to the supermarket
“Now girls you guys can go on a walk but not beyond the beach, and NO supermarket ”.
I was 9 years old, on a hot summer's day a holiday with my best friends Georgia and Ashley. As the weather was so nice my mum had let us go on a walk around this new neighbourhood.Unfortunately, she hadn’t let us go to the supermarket which we spotted on the way to the house we were staying at. Nevertheless, we went anyway and ignored my Mum’s instructions.
So we had left the house and headed in the direction we thought the supermarket was. We arrived at a roundabout.
”We should turn right and go up that hill” stated Georgia confidently.
”No, I think the supermarket is just up ahead,” I said.
“Okay,” we all said, and we walked up the road but when we got to the end we just saw more roads, cars and crossings.
Despite our excitement and enthusiasm, I think we all had some second thoughts and reconsidered this outing. So the only reasonable thing to do was go back and try another route. We went back and tried Georgia’s suggestion of a route, it happened to be a longer than expected walk, but eventually we arrived at our destination.
Georgia , Ashley and I went inside the supermarket and bought loads of unhealthy foods and drinks that we knew my mum would not approve of. After our shop for all the junk food we went to pay. The machine would take the money, luckily for us somebody helped us and we left with our food. We started walking home, and suddenly we all went a bit mad and we all started laughing hysterically for no reason.
We had gone back the way we came and fortunately not gotten lost. When we got close to the door we stuffed the foods into our jackets so my mum wouldn’t see. We got inside and ran to the room but my mum followed, she asked us where we had gone. With our hands behind our backs fidgeting vigorously in an attempt to hide that we had gone to the supermarket and bought loads of food, we told her that we had just gone to the park and back. She seemed to look a bit suspicious but didn’t say anything.
“Phew,” we all said in relief as my mum left the room.
We shoved most of our items we bought into our suitcases and went on as if it was a usual day. When the night time grew and it got later and later when we were supposed to be asleep, we crept into the kitchen and got some of the other foods we had hid in the large pantry. We went on our tiptoes not knowing if my Mum was awake or not. Suddenly, we heard a long ‘creeeeeek’ at the end of the corridor; which happened to be where my Mum was supposed to be sleeping. We panicked and all had the same idea to hide behind the breakfast bar. After a few minutes, we peeked out and saw the large but frightened black tabby cat.
Sighing in relief we swiped the candy from the counter and hurriedly went back to our messy room. Then we sat on the bed on Ashley’s chromebook and ate all our food in peace, (besides from the loud cat crunching on the cat food). So in the end our reckless trip to the supermarket was a pretty much success although we got lost we still had our food, and to this day my Mum still doesn't know.
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